Business KPI’s

Crystal Lean Solutions monitor four customer satisfaction KPI’s:
1. Quality of Service
2. Action Orientation
3. Value for Money
4. Professionalism

We utilise this feedback to continuously improve the quality of service provided. We would like to thank our clients who take time out to provide this honest, reflective feedback, which is summarised quantitatively and qualitatively below:

Feedback Behind The Results

  • "We have a deeper understanding of lean and have developed a workforce of problem solvers. To date lean has saved us 500k per year"

  • "Crystal Business Solutions (now Crystal Lean Solutions) work very well with all staff at every level of the organisation to explain and coach them on using Lean tools and thinking to improve processes and at the same time ensuring the data generated is applied to improve systems in a structured and robust way"

  • "Crystal Business Solutions (now Crystal Lean Solutions) has brought a discipline around ensuring data drives the solutions not hunches and assumptions. As a result, we have worked with Crystal Business Solutions to ensure the Lean tools are improving our processes in some critical areas of our business including supply chain and product release"

  • "Improved problem solving and escalation of issues"

  • "Continuous Improvement has continued"

  • "Crystal Business Solutions provide clarity on how to practically implement Lean"

  • "Very practical approach to training. Engages all level in the class and able to bring a light fun element to the training environment"

To find out more about how we can assist you in any aspect of your Lean journey, we would be delighted to discuss further.

Let’s Talk: Contact Us Today +353 (0)87 6226899