Vision: A Rural Africa free from Hunger and Poverty


With One in 3 people living in sub-Saharan Africa undernourished and 414 million people across this area living on less than $1.25-a-day, Alan Kerins in partnership with Gorta Self-Help Africa strive to end this poverty and suffering.

thumbnail_hospitsl-girls-gorta-trip-2017To achieve such a remarkable and valuable Vision, one program that Gorta Self-Help manage is the Zambia International Youth Program. Participants from schools travel to Zambia and participate in team based projects including building schools and health facilities and provide training in Agriculture and Economics.

One such group that will participate in this great cause include 5 Transitional Year pupils (Eadaoin Power-Gallagher, Eva Butler, Anna Rose Kennedy, Maeve Barry and Laura Morrissey) and 2 teachers (Caoimh Ryan and Suzanne Mortell) from St. John the Baptist Community School in Hospital, Co. Limerick. (Photo: Deirdre Power)

To fund their journey to Zambia in May 2017, they are proactively organising fundraising events to raise €50,000 towards their travel and charity contribution. Crystal Lean Solutions were delighted to have provided sponsorship at their recent Christmas Fair at Fedamore Community Centre, Limerick, with our Operations Manager, Kathleen O’Donnell, giving her time to manage a stall at their fair.

We would like to wish all involved our best wishes on their journey to Zambia and look forward to learning from their experience.


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To find out more about the Alan Kerins in partnership with Gorta Self Help Program please click here

For further information on events planned by the team, please click here.


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